Monday 5 December 2016

Coming back to the head turn

I decided to come back to a task I did near the start of the semester to see if I could do it better, and I think this piece of animation is better paced and timed than the old piece, especially since for this piece I decided to go back over it once I've animated once to fix errors that I noticed in the first pass. I also asked peers what they thought was wrong with the first one, the general consensus was it didn't hold form, things like the eyes, hair and jawline shifted very noticeably. It's also important to note that this is the first piece of animation I filmed video reference for, so in my second pass I more closley studied the shape of my head in each position, and replicated that in key frames. Whilst still not perfect I think the second pass holds form far better, if I were to go over it again I'd fix the body and neck, and maybe even the hair, as they still shift a bit. I also added in the blink, which wasn't in the video reference, to try to give the animation more acting/appeal, making it feel real. The eyebrow raise is timed as the same as the video but I think it would've worked better if I started the movement during the turn, maybe the end of the blink, so that it would feel more natural.

1st pass

2nd pass

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