Saturday 10 December 2016

3d tasks

This is my first attempt at doing squash and stretch in Maya, getting to grips with the program. I think it looks okay but definitely room for improvement.
I think this animation came out well, I was practicing follow through, and staggering movement with the tail, different sections of the tail move at different times which helps make it looks more real. I think to improve this I would think about the timing of the tail in relation to the tail more, as I don't think it syncs up very well.
I was learning constraints with this piece, which I did, but I still don't fully understand how Maya works so the animation here is quite limited.
In this piece I tried using principles I've been learning through previous tasks, such as staggering movement and squash and stretch, if I were to do it again I think I would use more varied movements and try to push myself more.

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