Sunday 11 December 2016

Jumping box & Bouncing ball in room [2d]

(bouncing ball begins 15 seconds into video)

For the jumping animation I was trying to understand the principles of squash and stretch, whilst it works to an extent I think I tried using squash and stretch so deliberately that it seems quite jarring and doesn't quite match the speed or velocity of the movement. I also think the timing is slightly awkward, the moments feel separate, rather than one smooth motion. But I do think I managed to clearly communicate the movement and action, you can clearly see that the box looks both ways and then jumps.
 For the ball animation I think I used timing and spacing quite well, the ball feels like it has physics acting on it, such as gravity bringing it to a slow halt. But I don't think the changes in size for the ball are accurate, it doesn't hold form, even if it is supposed to get smaller at it travels through space.

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