Thursday 6 October 2016

mechanical pendulum

This is my first attempt at creating a more mechanical motion, I tried using equal spacing to create a feeling that the motion is created by a machine, but this just made the motion weightless and uncanny, it didn't work. Especially at the ends of the motion where it just snapped back, I think this contribute to the lack of weight, from this I've learnt that even mechanical movement requires some sort of easing because even machines abide by the laws of physics and gravity, which seems obvious to say but I didn't really take those rules into account when animating this, so it was valuable to me to make those mistakes. 

Whilst I don't think this is entirely convincing, it is better than my first attempt, I made the fairings closer together as the coin moved back up from being in the lowest position, I think this makes the movement feel more realistic, but if I'm being honest I don't think this really looks like a clock pendulum, this task was quite challenging, but I did learn a lot about spacing and mechanical movement.  

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