Wednesday 5 October 2016

2d exercise ball bouncing in 3d space

This is my first attempt at animating a ball bouncing in a 3d space using TV paint. As it is my first attempt it is very flawed, I don't think the timing is very good as it doesn't feel like it moves realistically in a 3d space. This may also be due to the fact that the movement was not thoroughly planned out when I drew the room so the bounces are quite uncanny. From this I learnt that the background space is equally important in creating the illusion of realistic movement. 
This is my second attempt at this task, instead of just drawing a room I decided to draw a ramp to give myself something to work off of. This also works in terms of anticipation because as soon as the viewer sees a ramp and a bouncy ball on the screen they make the connection in their brain and so the following action reads well. I also tried exaggerating the change in size and perspective in the animation to try to push myself more, In order to do this more reliably I decided that instead of drawing a line of action to draw on like I did before I made it 3 dimensional, I did this because before when I drew on the line I found it difficult to calculate how the size of the ball should change through the motion, by creating a 3d line of action I could do this easily.

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