Friday 3 March 2017

Style exploration

This is a short animation I did because I started to feel like I hadn't done any animation for myself in a while, so I did this in a style which I've always wanted to develop. I used this geometric, lineless style when I made a short film in sixth form to try to save time, as line boils are less of an issues because you aren't dealing with things like variable line weight, but the more I used it the more I found I really like how it looks in motion and I think with some more practice I can make it seem more professional and considered. Next time I do an animation in this style I think I'm going to try two things, a really big, dynamic motion, and a subtle character acting shot with facial expressions. I want to do this to try to push myself out of my comfort zone and make it seem really appealing. One issue with this shot is that the head shape is very inconsistent and morphs by the end of it, but overall I quite like it, I may try to push the details more like giving the hands fingers as a next step.

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