The following pieces of artwork all belong to a small film project which I am working on, it follows the protagonist (the fellow in the blue jacket next to the policeman) and his experiences with the stress of life and lack of identity.
The idea is that his life feels like chaos and he has lost control, feeling like a stranger in his own city and paranoid that his every action will fall under the judgment of the seemingly all seeing police, as if he is going to be prosecuted for the fact that the screen on his face doesn't display a color like every other citizen, but rather just white noise, this is a narrative device to represent the characters anxiety and paranoia in a place he doesn't feel he belongs.
(left) This is a piece of concept art depicting the style I want the film to be in, color is an important theme of the movie so I think this style will accentuate those elements more than a lined style.
(left) This is simply me playing with shots that I have visualized in my head, trying to get a better grasp of the visual storytelling and composition which I want to implement. This particular image is a young citizen being harassed (possibly violently) by a police officer, this is not a happy place to live.
(left) Again, me visualizing potential shots, this one being overtly inspired by a sequence in 'Taxi Driver', That movie depicts loneliness very well so I am studying it's storytelling methods, particularly with how it uses the camera to isolate the protagonist in the sequence this shot is inspired by.